Great suite of tools by socialvex. We use them daily in our office to manage influencer outreach and analysis. The Finder is one of my favorite tools. We used to spend countless hours a day finding and reaching out to a few influencers, we’ve now increased our productivity by 10X. Highly recommended.
I work in a media agency and specialize in all influencer marketing and the Analyzer/Analytics tools are extremely helpful. I love the monitoring capability and how we can keep track of accounts we’re either looking to partner with or in the middle of a contract. Great way to audit influencers!
We run a brand in the fashion space and do a lot of digital marketing and shoutouts with Influencers. The tools used (all 3) have helped us cut costs, staff, and time with in days. I can’t recommend socialvex enough to others. Absolutely love it, keep up the great work guys.
The Audience Finder tool is what I’ve been looking for and never offered before. Fantastic tool, we do a lot of e-mail marketing, along with Facebook marketing and we have received an enormous ROI on our conversion rates with the custom audiences.
Checked out SocialVex off a referral and was mostly interested in the Audience Finder, as we run $2k/day in Facebook ad spend. I plugged in a few custom audiences and lookalike audiences and they are converting at the same rate as our purchase and conversion data. Genius idea and great tool, the targeting is dead on!
We’ve been looking for tools to allow efficiency and automation in our Digital Media department and SocialVex has helped us out tremendously. The Influencer Analyzer tool is a great one, we use it daily to monitor and audit our influencers. The Influencer Finder has helped us automate the finding and outreach of Influencers. The Audience Finder tool has helped us create new audiences for our Facebook campaigns. I highly recommend SocialVex.
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